The Master in International Organizations (MIO) is an innovative and inter-disciplinary professional program launched by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2015. By combining the training of knowledge in economics, finance, politics and International business, the oversea experience of academic study and internships as well as the training of foreign language skills in English, French and Spanish, the program aims to equip students with the abilities to meet the increasing demand of professionals working in international organizations.
SUFE's MIO program actively explores alternative methods of professional education by international standard, while motivating individual’s sense of innovation in developing one’s own specialty. The program achieves the educational goals through the tight collaborations with oversea university partners and well-known international organizations. It has also received a substantial financial support and endorsement by the government.
Program Agenda


  • Year 1-2: Integrating Knowledge and Building International Perspective
    conjunction with the fourth-year curriculum in undergraduate programs in SUFE.

  • Year 3: Gaining Oversea Experience and Cultivating Professional Skills
    The third year of the program is in partnership with several oversea universities in providing academic trainings in finance, laws and international business. Students will have the chances to enter internship programs at leading international organizations to gain professional experience on sites.


Students from SUFE and conducts master's degree courses in SUFE and one year's master's degree study in overseas universities to cultivate students for internship capability and opportunities in international organizations such as the United Nations ITC, WTO, UNDP, the World Bank IFC, the Inter-American Development Bank, so as to train the reserved talents for International Organizations.


Ms. Fang, Xidong  (the representative of MIO First Cohort) with Internship in UN ITC

The knowledge and skills I have learned can not only play a role in office buildings, but also go deep into other corners of the world to help people there. Whether you fly to the cloud or go deep into the earth, you and I are doing our best to make ourselves, our family, our motherland and the world better. There is no difference between the two ways, nor does it matter which one is more valuable. I'm glad that SUFE taught me to look up, while Geneva taught me to look down for the people who need help. I always believe that: people should bear multiple responsibilities as far as their abilities are concerned.


MIO students participate in the first annual meeting of BRICs New Development Bank